Central Administrative Building:
Spread over an area of some 40469 square meters (4 hectors) and with the historic fort of Ajinkya Tara in the background, Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s four-storied central office guides and controls the administration of its 737 branches spread all over Maharashtra. The Campus also houses the Shahu Boarding House No.1, Ismail Saheb Mulla Law College, Maharaja Sayajirao Hichschool, Savitribai Phule Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Mahatma Phule Training College for Men, Jijamata Training College for Women, and Bhimabai Ambedkar High School.
The life-size statues of the Karmaveer and ‘Rayat Mauli’ Laxmibai look on with benevolent solicitude. At the foot of the pedestal, the ‘Samadhi’ of the Karmaveer reminds us of his monumental social and educational work.

The Museum nearby invites the visitors to look at the rare photographs and the Karmaveer’s relics such as his walking stick, his personal utensils, clothes and also the car that his students had so lovingly presented to him. The trophies, awards and mementos presented to him and the Sanstha from time to time are also displayed here. Thus the campus of the Central Building has many attractions for the visitor because history was being shaped here during the life time of the Founder.

Life size Statues of Dr. Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil and Sou. Laxmibai Bhaurao Patil (Vahini).