• Administration
    Last Updated On Feb 28 2025 8:32PM
    [ Printable Version ]



    The prominent feature of the Sanstha is its democratic administrative set-up. The Rayat Shikshan Sanstha is an educational institution belonging to the people, working for the people and being administered by the people. Dr. Karamaveer Bhaurao Patil made it a point to safeguard it against any political domination. He welcomed all those who loved the Sanstha. As a result of this, the Sanstha today has been receiving ample co-operation and support, consistently from the people of diverse political opinions. It is significant to note that all the important policy decisions of the Sanstha are arrived at in the true important policy decisions of the Sanstha are arrived at in the true spirit of democratic principles. The working of the institution has been guided and patronized by the eminent dignitaries of the national and state level in their capacities as President, Chairman and Organizer. For the purpose of execution the Sanstha has instituted the posts of the Secretary and a Joint Secretary (Higher and Secondary) the Auditor and the Regional Inspectors. The General Body, The Managing Council, The Executive Council, The Board of Life-Members and the Accounts Committee are the bodies which periodically and democratically settle all issues and fix policies for smooth day-to-day functioning of the Sanstha.


    Office Bearers of Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara 

    Name of  Bearer Post Photo
     Hon’ble. Sharadrao Govindrao Pawar President  prisident.JPG
     Hon’ble Jaishree Anantrao Chougul Vice-President jchougule.jpg
     Hon'ble Arun Punjaji Kadu-Patil Vice-President
     Hon'ble P.J.Patil Vice-President  PJ Patil.jpg
     Hon'ble Adv. Ram Janardhan Kandage
    Vice-President 013.jpg
     Hon'ble Mahendra Subrao Lad Vice-President Mahendra Lad368.jpg
     Hon’ble Chandrakant Narayan Dalvi, IAS(Retd) Chairman  Chandrakant Dalavi.jpg
     Hon’ble Adv. Bhagirath Nivrutti Shinde Vice Chairman Hon Adv Bhagirath Shinde.jpeg
     Hon’ble Shri. Vikas Deshmukh, IAS(Retd) Secretary Hon Vikas Deshmukh.jpeg
     Hon’ble Prin. Dr. Shivling Gangadhar Menkudale Joint Secretary(H.Edn.) Menkudle S.jpg
     Hon'ble Bandu Narayan Pawar Joint Secretary(Sec.) Bandu Pawar402.jpg
     Hon'ble Prin. Dr. Rajendra More
    Joint Secretary(Auditor)
     Hon'ble Sanjiv Jaykumar Patil Chairman
    Central Region, Satara
     Hon'ble Dr. Muntajali Bashumiyan Shaikh Chairman
    Southern Region, Sangli
    Shaikh MV.jpg
     Hon'ble Ashutosh Ashokrao Kale Chairman
    Northern Region, A.Nagar
    ashotosh kale.jpg
     Hon'ble Chetan Vitthalrao Tupe Chairman
    Western Region, Pune
    Tupe Chetan.jpg
     Hon'ble Balaram Dattatray Patil Chairman
    Raigad Region, Kamothe
     Hon’ble  Incpector ,
    Central Region, Satara
     Hon’ble Nanasaheb Nikam Assistant Inspector,
    Central Region, Satara
    nanasaheb nikam.jpg
     Hon’ble Dinesh Dabhade Assistant Inspector,
    Central Region, Satara
    Dinesh Dabhade.jpg
     Hon’ble  Inspector,
    Southern Region, Sangli
     Hon’ble Uttam Walvekar Assistant Inspector,
    Southern Region, Sangli
    uttam walvekar.jpg
     Hon’ble Anthony Disoza Assistant Inspector,
    Southern Region, Sangli
    Anthoni Disuja.jpg
     Hon’ble Navnath Bodakhe Inspector,
    Northern Region, A.nagar
     Hon’ble Babasaheb Naikwadi Assistant Inspector,
    Northern Region, A.nagar
    Babasaheb Naikwadi.jpg
     Hon’ble Pramod Torane Assistant Inspector,
    Northern Region, A.nagar
    pramod torane.jpg
     Hon’ble  Inspector,
    Western Region, Pune

     Hon’ble  Assistant Inspector,
    Western Region, Pune
     Hon’ble  Inspector,
    Raigad Region, Panvel
     Hon’ble  Assistant Inspector,
    Raigad Region, Panvel